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--- this week's recipes ---
Roasted Cauliflower Tacos
Warmed Roast Parsnip and Leek Quinoa Salad
this week's recipes
Roasted Cauliflower Tacos
Warmed Roast Parsnip and Leek Quinoa Salad
Time to Order Seeds!

Time to Order Seeds!

So here I am laid up in bed; which is better than the cold floor I lay on yesterday afternoon till I braved the crawl to here!

It took a while to get over the shock of being bought up so short, I do not take to my bed easily; which brings from those who know me a chorus of “well this will stop you”… & of course it has.

I have lay a-bed while the watering system in the garden was finished (thanks to Taron & Graham there will be no lugging buckets this year… luxury!)

I have dozed while invoices & e-mails were organised & sent out to FG customers by the hard working & ever diligent boss.

Graham, feeling no doubt that such wonton idleness could damage a keen mind (ahem), gave me the seed lists & suggested they might save me from boredom. Boredom?! Who’s bored??

I have said to myself on the odd occasion that I wouldn’t mind a day in bed, not really meaning it, knowing full well that some activity or other would call me out before long.

Yet today it was gusty & raining, there were two capable men working in the garden and my back is quite determined that I should be still & reminds me so at regular intervals (plus my bed is deliciously warm!)…..

I managed to remain quite content, all things considered, till mid afternoon. Feeling then that I had put in a good days idleness, I allowed myself the luxury of a little work. Catalogues are dangerous things…

I do hope you’re all as excited as I am about the coming season…

The process I go through is that I roam through the organic catalogues of what is available this year (it does vary a bit)… I take note of the different varieties & look especially for disease resistance – such as mildew in pumpkins, zucchini etc, yield (we all want bounty as long as it doesn’t sacrifice flavour), special characteristics such as tomatoes that won’t split with the rain & cucumbers that don’t get bitter, as well as the odd beauties I can’t resist- heirloom generally.

The only problem is limiting myself!

Some things I will only get a few of for the keener gardeners such as melons, which you need to get in early to get a yield, Thai basil, as most people are happy with the standard etc.  I would like to try okra. I think I’m being optimistic but…..

We will certainly get more “Good Bug Mix from Green Harvest, & I have chosen a couple of things that children will be able to enjoy (apart from peas!)

Feel free to drop us a line with requests, I’ll be putting this in Monday lest we miss out on some of the range.

Happy gardening,


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