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Fresh from the Garden, Zucchini Fritter Recipe

Fresh from the Garden, Zucchini Fritter Recipe

Summer is the time of abundance. Autumn is too with plenty of zucchini, tomatoes,chard, zucchinis, potatoes, basil, zucchini, pumpkins and even more zucchini! In fact, mostly zucchini it seems.

If you have friends call by, whom you haven’t seen for a while, be wary, it could be they’re just looking for somewhere to off load their glut of zucchinis. We don’t really need to lock our cars in this town but at this time of year there’s a risk you’ll find it full of zucchinis if you don’t!

I actually love zucchinis, necessity is the mother of invention and I have already sent out some of my favourites to our customers. I will repeat them here eventually, but until then, here’s a new one fresh from todays picking and so delicious that I didn’t think to take a photo till I was half way through my meal. Hence the half plate photo… I was hungry and it was good!

Please be aware that when cooking with vegetables that can vary so much in size (and the zucchini is perfect for this) you may need to do some adjusting. My standing rule is taste test all the way and check consistency and above all trust your intuition!


1 largish zucchini, grated coarsely
4 smallish potatoes,grated finely
A sprinkle of celtic sea salt

Mix it through then squeeze out the excess fluid, squeeze hard
Then add the rest of the ingredients;

3 garlic cloves crushed ( I use more but I love garlic)
3 tsp cumin
3 tsp coriander powder
3 tsp moroccan spice mix
chillie to taste
1-11/2 cups almond meal (you can mix almond meal with rice flour if your purse is tight)
3 home grown eggs or my preference…
3 tblsp chia in 9 tblsp of water and rest for at least 15min ( i do this at the beginning of prep)
Taste test and add more celtic sea salt accordingly. There are potatoes involved so you know you’ll need some.

When thoroughly mixed cook in coconut oil on a low heat.

Take your time here and make sure the pans hot before you start. You don’t have to scrimp on the coconut oil, its good for you and we have it in bulk.

They can be fragile so leave them for a bit before you turn them

Lay down a bed of salad
top with a layer of beetroot salad or carrot salad
add a stack of zucchini fritters
drizzle with kasundi
garnish with broccoli sprouts and coriander or parsley if you have it

ENJOY …. I did! xx

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