choose your fav
Pesto has to be one of the easiest go to meals for any season & one of our favourite ways to jazz up a simple meal.
And it's so amenable to our whims.
Don't like basil? Use coriander or any leafy green for that matter.
Pine nuts are too expensive? Use cashews, they work a treat!
Allergic to nuts? Use sunflower seeds.
Want something with a bit more punch? Add some chilli or moroccan spice mix.
Don't eat dairy? Neither do I. Leave it out, it keeps better & the tastes you can achieve are so much more varied without it.
The basic rule of thumb is;
- Greens of any description, seriously.
- Nuts or seeds ( I use cashews generally , they're creamy, sweet & a whole lot cheaper than pine nuts )
- Garlic (not too much as raw makes it more intense... or leave it out & add some spice if you have a problem with garlic)
- Salt , start with a little & add till it suits you (use a good salt though, as it makes all the difference)
~ Olive oil (though again, any oil will do the trick but a good, organic, cold pressed olive oil like Orchard of St Francis is hard to beat)
Throw it all in a food processor and blend it up.
I like mine a bit chunky, I like texture but you may like it smoother.
Keep adding oil till it blends easily & when you put it in a container, add a layer of oil on the will keep better & longer
The pesto pictured has:
Greens; coriander, parsley & spinach
Olive oil
... and we have been eating it on crackers, in salads & Iskha mixed in through potatoes & took it for her lunch on a day out.... & there's also the traditional pasta/ vegie spirals.