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A nice mix of root veg, brassicas and winter greens in this weeks boxes -
parsnip, swede, dutch cream spuds, broccoli, cauli, fennel and spinach all feature
A nice mix of root veg, brassicas and winter greens in this weeks boxes -
parsnip, swede, dutch cream spuds, broccoli, cauli, fennel and spinach all feature


  • Corn celery salad with dill and yogurt sauce
    January 8, 2020

    Corn celery salad with dill and yogurt sauce

    CORN CELERY SALAD½ sweet white onion, cut in small chunks3-4 celery stalks (add more if you wish)1¼ cup / 220 gr corn (frozen or fresh)fresh dill to taste, I used about 4 tbs freshly chopped dillYOGURT:1 cup (250 gr) yogurt2...

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