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Week 4- Biodynamic Capsicum and Pumpkin, new season Cauliflower, loads of Broccoli, Cos Lettuce and new season Potato

Week 4- Biodynamic Capsicum and Pumpkin, new season Cauliflower, loads of Broccoli, Cos Lettuce and new season Potato

New season starting for Vic cauliflower this week, and excellent value for broccoli, cabbage and pumpkin. More local tomato, cucumber and zucchini means we’ll see better summer prices in coming weeks. 

Already we’re seeing plums, pears, strawberries, pumpkin, capsicum and potato all coming back significantly in price since the start of the year. And bananas heading that way too.

Eat well,

PS. Choose from one of our box selection, and let us know your “no list”; or make one of your own by choosing the vegetables and fruit you prefer.



The MIXED Food Box contains a selection of:

carrots, onions, potato, pumpkin, cabbage, beetroot, broccoli, cauliflower, capsicum, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, tomato, fennel, spinach, lettuce, apples, banana, oranges, plum, nashi, grapes, peach

The VICTORIAN Food Box contains a selection of:

red onions, potato, pumpkin, cabbage, beetroot, capsicum, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, tomato, sweet corn, daikon, zucchini, eggplant, fennel, spinach, lettuce, apples, plums, nashi, grapes, oranges



We have a mix of TOMATO coming from a few growers this week - Ronald in Campbelltown has his San Marzano for the boxes, Joe in Koo Wee Rup will have some Roma and Darren’s crop in Inverleigh is slowing a little.

We should see larger flushes the following week after this week's warm nights.

Biodynamic CAPSICUM from Mildura is top value right now - expect in the boxes. So too for BROCCOLI; coming up from Pakenham.

New pick of CAULIFLOWER just starting  this week - prices should come down in a few weeks - for now we have a small amount from Nyah in Victoria's north, and from Monbulk.

CARROTS are pretty scarce at the moment as we wait for the local season to start - not sure if we’ll have Juice Carrots at all.

No slowing down for LEBANESE CUCUMBER and ZUCCHINI - both coming from Inverleigh, with some zucchini from Ronald locally.

DUTCH CREAM CHATS are biodynamic spuds from near Geelong - and this week just $4.90kg.

Good value for biodynamic PUMPKIN too - both Jap and Butternut - although maybe not great weather for turning the ovens ;)

Greens are baby SPINACH from Pearcedale and COS LETTUCE from Mornington and Monbulk.

New season biodynamic AKANE APPLES are this week's new variety - old school tartness for this variety, from orchards in Merrigum.

NASHI PEARS in the boxes for this week - more biodynamic fruit, this time from Shepparton.

BANANA starting to come back in price thankfully (down about 20% this week) - we should see more prices coming back as the produce catches up on disruptions pre-Christmas.

One more week of Harcourt Sierra Sweet PLUMS, and plenty of delicious biodynamic BLOOD PLUMS from Majestic Park - and their PEACHES this year are probably up there with “best ever”.

No AVOCADO for a little while - the Mildura season has finished, and Queensland hasn’t a lot to send down.

Local STRAWBERRIES however - sweet  and abundant !!



Penne with Roasted Pumpkin, Capsicum, Haloumi and Chorizo Crumb

Pumpkin, Roasted Capsicum and Spinach Damper


Next article Week 3- Broccolini ($4.50), Strawberries ($5.50), biodynamic Blood Plums, new season Abas Apples