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Week 6 - Sweet Corn, Broccoli, Spring Onions, Eggplant and Williams Pears

Week 6 - Sweet Corn, Broccoli, Spring Onions, Eggplant and Williams Pears

Have you had one too many zucchini’s  in your food box recently, or flooded with tomatoes in the backyard?

There’s a running joke around here that in summer you don’t leave your car windows wound down. Otherwise you’ll return to see 10kg of zucchini sitting on your car seat.

We want folks growing their own produce, and we want the boxes to fit around what’s in your garden. Or what a generous friend has left in your fridge.

Just shoot us an email (or reply to this one) - we don’t bite , we don’t mind - when you want something left out, for a week or for good. The boxes work with “No Lists” so it's no trouble on our end at all.

Eat well,

PS. Choose from one of our box selection, and let us know your “no list”; or make one of your own by choosing the vegetables and fruit you prefer.



The MIXED Food Box contains a selection of:

carrots, onions, potato, pumpkin, beetroot, broccoli, cauliflower, capsicum, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, tomato, sweet corn, fennel, lettuce, spring onion, apples, banana, plum, nashi, grapes, pears

The VICTORIAN Food Box contains a selection of:

potato, pumpkin, beetroot, capsicum, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, tomato, sweet corn, zucchini, eggplant, fennel, spring onion, kale, lettuce, apples, plums, nashi, grapes



Looking for good value in organics, great quality BROCCOLI from Pakenham ($8.90kg) and SWEET CORN from Koo Wee Rup (2 for $4) are two of our best picks. Both will be in the food boxes.

Biodynamic EGGPLANT from Darren in Inverleigh is also a top buy; whilst ZUCCHINI is going the other way, as the harvest slows down due to extreme heat playing havoc with flowering.

TOMATO on the other hand loves this sunshine, and so Ronald will be picking more of his heirloom varieties for the boxes, whilst Darren will have his Grosse Lisse variety for orders.

Plenty of Lebanese CUCUMBER from Inverleigh also. And for greens, Baby Cos and Iceberg LETTUCE from Mornington growers.

SPRING ONION from Monbulk in Melbourne and FENNEL from Gippsland are excellent right now, and hitting peak season.

CARROTS starting to come back - still the baby small ones for another week, and then we should see more of the regular sized ones. Local crops have been delayed another couple weeks.

Crazy weather up north has put a spanner in the picking and transporting of BANANA so expect to see prices shoot up.

APPLES and PEARS coming from nearer parts, so we’ll be going with these in the boxes; along with BLOOD PLUMS and NASHI from biodynamic orchards from near Shepparton; superb right now.

Daylesford STRAWBERRIES coming direct from Wombat Organics for just $5.50 for online orders.



Corn, Spring Onion and Broccoli Fritters

Baingan Bharta - Roast Eggplant Mash


Previous article Week 7 - Red Candy Plums, Gala Apples, Clingstone Peaches, Sultana Grapes and Keitt Mango
Next article Week 5 - Cauliflower, Baby Cos, Sweet Potato, Bullhorns, Spring Onion and Pak Choy