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Simple Fermented Kimchi

Simple Fermented Kimchi

5 cups Napa Cabbage or Wombok
1 Carrot , grated
2 Scallions
to taste Fresh Ginger , julienned
1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 clove Garlic , thinly sliced
4 cups Water
3 Tbsp Sea Salt

Make the brine by dissolving natural Sea Salt (3 Tbsp) in the filtered Water (4 cups) .

Wash, dry the Napa Cabbage (5 cups) , then slice into 1 inch pieces.

Place the cabbage in a large mixing bowl and pour over the brine using a ceramic plate. Weigh the cabbage down under the brine for 30 minutes.

In the meantime, wash your jar in hot water and vinegar and allow it to air dry on a clean tea towel.

Peel and grate the Carrot (1) , finely slice the Scallions (2) , peel, and julienne the Fresh Ginger (to taste) . Thinly slice the Garlic (1 clove) .

After the cabbage has soaked in the brine, pour the brine into a jar and reserve for later. Add the carrots and ginger, add the spring onions and Cayenne Pepper (1/2 tsp) and mix well.

Massage and bruise the cabbage mixture with your hands for approximately five minutes to release the juices.

Place the kimchi mixture into the glass jar, packing down really well with your fist. Add all of the juices from the mixing bowl. Pack the vegetables down hard again to ensure all the air bubbles are released.

Roll up the 2 large outer leaves and place them on top to keep the veggies submerged under the brine. sit the jar out of direct sunlight for at least 3 days in warm climates and about 5-7 days in colder climates.

Have a taste with clean utensils (no hands) to check if it's ready, it should be now sour and tangy, if not close the jar and leave for 2-3 more days. Enjoy!

Previous article Roasted Cabbage, Silverbeet and Tofu