Pumpkin and Eggplant Red Curry with Tomato Paste
Perfect to serve with steamed rice, the coriander and lime.
Perfect to serve with steamed rice, the coriander and lime.
New season pumpkin from mildura and gippsland eggplant for this weeks recipe.
"This eggplant terrine is a perfect dish for summer entertainment—layers of roasted eggplant, Mozzarella cheese, red pepper and parsley, chilled in a terrine form, and covered with a gazpacho-like sauce." simplyrecipes.com
This eggplant roast is toasty, savory, and earthy creates perfect blend with caramelised vegies and grapes.
Traditional and flavorful, this eggplant mash is not your ordinary mashed vegie dish.
For the eggplant hummus, soak chickpeas in a bowl of water overnight.
The next day, drain chickpeas, transfer to a saucepan, cover with cold water and place over high heat. Add bay leaves and bring to the boil. Simmer for 40-50 minutes or until tender, skimming off any foam with a slotted spoon. Drain, reserving cooking liquid and discarding bay leaves. Set aside.